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Surrounded by lush olive groves, Astarti Hidden Retreats is a small group of residences on the island of Cythera that will bring you closer to nature and the history of this overlooked destination.
36D 21' 39.29", 22D 57' 24.59"
Coordinates redefined

I like a good story almost as much as I like the Greek islands in the winter, so you can imagine my delight when I discovered that the Tzortzopoulos family not only welcomes guests to its olive harvest, but they have built a clandestine retreat expressly for the purposes of hosting adventure seekers and novice olive pickers like myself.

Soul traveller 
Hiroshi Watanabe, Sync Positive, 2011

Tranquility is at the epicenter of Astarti Hidden Retreats and I wasn’t about to disturb the peace. In fact, I could hardly find the place! All five Astarti residencies are plunged into the natural terrain creating discreet communal spaces and sheltered courtyards, formed by minimal trenches facilitating access, insulation, cooling and a fabulous view. In layman’s terms, I got to dodge the wind and summer guests get to shelter themselves from the heat of the day. Astarti is all about integration and the Tzortzopoulos family harvest is a life lesson in merging sustainability with tradition. As I got to help unburden the trees of their precious load, I felt I was nurturing myself as much as I nurtured the land and the people around me. Cythera may be a little-known destination, but it’s ripe for the picking. If you love nature, it feels almost virginal. If you’re a walker, there’s a trails galore. If you’re a swimmer, there are golden sands to dip your feet. If you’re an avid historian there are traces to follow. If you’re a mystic, local rituals abound. If you’re a restless explorer, perhaps you’ve finally found a place to call home.


Despina Pavlaki

Courtesy Astarti Hidden Retreats

Music curator
Chris Ouzounis


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